Monday, October 29, 2007
Un fin de semana con Matis...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
il mio ultimo giorno
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The European Parliament: End blockade of Gaza!
By Luisa Morgantini
Brussels 11th October 2007,
“I was recently in Gaza- Luisa Morgantini declared- and I saw how the Strip is suffocating in a serious humanitarian crisis due to the raids and the closure imposed by the Israeli Army: massive devastation of public facilities and private homes, the disruption of hospitals, clinics and schools, the denial of access to proper drinking water, food and electricity, and the destruction of agricultural land wanted by Israel create a true catastrophe for civilians. Furthermore, the blockade on the movement paralyzes the economy and contributes to an extremely high rate of unemployment, while the health system is under severe pressure, a significant proportion of the population is suffering from a lack of urgently needed treatment and medicines and many NGOs and humanitarian organisations are obstructed by the lack of freedom of movement and of resources.
European Union has to demand with force to the Israeli Government that human rights and International law must be fully respected in the whole area, ending the continued emergency of Gaza Strip but also the military occupation in West Bank, where the robbery of Palestinian lands continues without any condemnation and, in spite of the meeting between Olmert and Abbas, the Israelis change the situation on the ground which casts serious doubts if they want peace or just gaining time to grab more land: it is an example the recent decision by the IDF to expropriate 272 acres of land from four Arab villages in order to build, as declared by Israeli Authorities, a new Palestinian road that would connect East Jerusalem with Jericho. But this decision would free up the existing E1 area between Jerusalem and Ma’aleh Adunim, allowing the construction of a new Jewish settlement consisting of 3,500 apartments and an industrial park, blocked by an international protest since 2004, that showed the risk of the cutting of the West Bank in two, separating East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank. This unilateral and illegal policy by Israeli Authorities must immediately end."
EU must to face up to its full responsibility on the respect of the legality, first through implementation of the existent EU-Israel Agreements on Movement and Access, but also imposing Israel to respect the International law concerning human rights, to end the military occupation in West Bank and the closure of the Gaza Strip and of the WB: even if there is an humanitarian tragedy, its solution is political.
This is the only way to achieve a just and lasting peace and to give more credibility to the International Peace Conference in November, reinforcing the negotiations based on the UN resolutions and on the right of Palestinians and Israelis to live in two States, in peace and security”.
LUISA MORGANTINI is Vice President of The European Parliament (GUE/NGL)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Boycott the Jericho-Tel Aviv events on Oct 18th
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tutti i diritti umani per tutti
La 7a Assemblea dell’Onu dei Popoli è stata intitolata “Tutti i diritti umani per tutti”. Centinaia di persone provenienti da tutto il mondo (esponenti laici e religiosi di movimenti, sindacati, organizzazioni e network nazionali e internazionali, giornalisti, enti locali, forze politiche, università e centri di ricerca) si sono incontrati per mettere a punto e promuovere l’agenda politica dei diritti umani.
I diritti umani non sono “valori” altissimi da contemplare. Essi sono il nome dei bisogni umani vitali, materiali e spirituali e come tali costituiscono un insieme di “obiettivi” concreti che devono guidare la politica a tutti i livelli, dalla politica locale a quella internazionale, dalle nostre città fino all’Onu. I diritti umani costituiscono il nucleo centrale della legalità in un mondo alla ricerca affannosa di governabilità umanamente sostenibile. La legittimazione dell'agire delle classi governanti si gioca sul terreno della loro coerenza con il paradigma dei diritti umani. Essi sono pertanto la bussola legale, politica, morale per fronteggiare la grande crisi planetaria che colpisce centinaia di milioni di persone e minaccia la sopravvivenza dell’intera umanità.
I diritti umani sono i diritti civili, politici, economici, sociali, culturali, i diritti alla pace, all'ambiente, allo sviluppo umano, alle pari opportunità da realizzare nel rispetto del principio della loro interdipendenza e indivisibilità. Lo stato sociale è indissociabile dallo stato di diritto. La democrazia sociale ed economica è indissociabile dalla democrazia politica.
9 October 2007
A senior Israeli cabinet minister said yesterday that Israel may be willing to divide Jerusalem with the Palestinians as part of a future peace agreement.
Haim Ramon said Jewish districts of Jerusalem should remain Israeli while Arab areas could be transferred to the Palestinian Authority. "Wouldn’t it be the right deal today for the Palestinians, the western world and the international community to recognise [Israel’s] annexation of .... [Jewish] neighbourhoods as part of Jerusalem, and for us to quit the Arab neighbourhoods?" he told Israel Radio.
Israeli and Palestinian leaders are expected to meet at a peace conference next month in Annapolis, Maryland, but a peace deal is not believed to be close.
Mr Ramon, the vice-prime minister, said decisions over the sovereignty of holy sites of Jerusalem such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Haram al-Sharif and the Western Wall would be more complicated. "We need to say there will be a special regime in the ’holy basin’, which we will talk about in the future," he said.
Many Israelis insist that Jerusalem should never be shared, even though almost half its population is Palestinian. It is often referred to as the "indivisible" capital of the Jewish people. Israel took control of West Jerusalem in 1948 and conquered East Jerusalem in 1967. Since then Israel has built huge housing estates on the occupied territory, mixing Jewish and Arab areas. Palestinians insist that all of East Jerusalem, including the Old City, should form part of a Palestinian state and that all Jewish settlements are illegal under international law. The former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak proposed dividing Jerusalem in 2000 but failed to reach an agreement with Yasser Arafat.
Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, told the Knesset yesterday that he intended to spend the next year working on a peace deal with the Palestinians.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Caetano Veloso em Bruxelas
Concierto maravilloso el miercoles pasado en l'Ancienne Belgique... CAETANO ERES LO MAXIMO!!!!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
LUCA PRODAN - Entrevista 1
Una entrevista muy interesante de Luca Prodan, cantante de Sumo. Estan en 4 partes, esta es la primera.